Una comparación real entre módulos FV Mono, Poli, PERC y Dual.
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Fecha de instalación: 09-03-2020
* This is a field test and the results are specific for this installation on this location please research which is the best solution for your own situation as the results can be different based on environmental influences.
Total solar yield as of 27/03/2023 when the results were reset:
Mono: 9158 kWh
Split-cell: 9511 kWh
Poly: 9113 kWh
Perc: 9471 kWh
Perc-east: 1970 kWh
Perc-west: 1730 kWh
Sobre la base del éxito de nuestra serie Lithium Smart, la serie NG (Next Generation) incorpora importantes mejoras.
Varias adiciones como lectura de tensiones de las celdas y temperaturas;
Máximo tamaño de bancada aumentado hasta 385 kWh;
Módulos disponibles en 12, 24 y 48 V;
Clase de protección IP65;
Montaje con soportes y con correas.
Adaptada para aquellos que buscan almacenamiento de energía avanzado y fiable, la serie Lithium NG supone un avance decisivo de nuestra línea de productos, lista para responder a las demandas del futuro.
VictronConnect le permite obtener información de estado en tiempo real y configurar cualquier producto de Victron que tenga Bluetooth integrado o que esté conectado a una mochila VE.Direct Bluetooth Smart.
You need to download this file to your computer first, before you can open it with Acrobat Reader.Download Acrobat Reader. 3d drawing will show when opened in Acrobat Reader and permission to view 3d files are set in Acrobat Reader.
You need to download this file to your computer first, before you can open it with Acrobat Reader.Download Acrobat Reader. 3d drawing will show when opened in Acrobat Reader and permission to view 3d files are set in Acrobat Reader.
You need to download this file to your computer first, before you can open it with Acrobat Reader.Download Acrobat Reader. 3d drawing will show when opened in Acrobat Reader and permission to view 3d files are set in Acrobat Reader.
You need to download this file to your computer first, before you can open it with Acrobat Reader.Download Acrobat Reader. 3d drawing will show when opened in Acrobat Reader and permission to view 3d files are set in Acrobat Reader.
You need to download this file to your computer first, before you can open it with Acrobat Reader.Download Acrobat Reader. 3d drawing will show when opened in Acrobat Reader and permission to view 3d files are set in Acrobat Reader.
You need to download this file to your computer first, before you can open it with Acrobat Reader.Download Acrobat Reader. 3d drawing will show when opened in Acrobat Reader and permission to view 3d files are set in Acrobat Reader.
You need to download this file to your computer first, before you can open it with Acrobat Reader.Download Acrobat Reader. 3d drawing will show when opened in Acrobat Reader and permission to view 3d files are set in Acrobat Reader.
You need to download this file to your computer first, before you can open it with Acrobat Reader.Download Acrobat Reader. 3d drawing will show when opened in Acrobat Reader and permission to view 3d files are set in Acrobat Reader.
You need to download this file to your computer first, before you can open it with Acrobat Reader.Download Acrobat Reader. 3d drawing will show when opened in Acrobat Reader and permission to view 3d files are set in Acrobat Reader.